A program of one-on-one therapy, exercise and pain control strategies are used to restore and maintain the normal movement of your body’s joints, muscles, tendons and surrounding structures as well as neurological conditions.
- Manual Therapy
- Home Exercise Program
- Active Gym Program
- Education
- Modalities
- Shockwave Therapy
- Acupuncture
- Traction
- Hydrotherapy
- Sport Physiotherapy
- Jobst Pump
- Neuro-Proprioceptive Taping
Physiotherapy Rates
- Initial Assessment: $80.00
- Subsequent visits: $70.00
- Custom-made Knee Brace: $1700.00
- Custom-made Orthotics: $495.00
- Stock modified shoes with Orthotics: $650.00
- Please note: Before you come in for an appointment, please contact us. Due to Covid-19 we have a new screening protocol and process that we need to go over with you before you arrive.
- For Motor Vehicle Accidents, WSIB injuries, Veterans Affairs Canada and Shockwave Therapy: Please call us at 613-967-7991. We are able to Direct Bill most insurance companies.
- A Doctor's Referral is not required for Physiotherapy... but may be required for your extended health care plan
- Here is a current list of Extended Healthcare Companies that we can bill:
- Alberta Blue Cross
- Blue Cross
- BPA - Benefit Plan Adminstrators
- Canada Life (Formerly Great-West Life)
- Canadian Armed Forces (CAF)
- Canadian Construction Workers Union
- Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance
- ClaimSecure
- Claims Xchange
- Coughlin & Associates Ltd
- Cowan
- D. A. Townley
- Desjardins Insurance
- Empire Life
- Equitable
- Express Scripts Johnston
- First Canadian Benefit Plans
- GMS Carrier 49
- GMS Carrier 50
- Green Shield
- GroupHealth
- GroupSource
- Humania Assurance
- Honeybee Benefits
- Industrial Alliance
- Johnson Inc.
- Johnston Group Inc.
- La Capitale Insurance and Financial Services
- LiUNA Local 183
- LiUNA Local 506
- Manion
- Manulife Financial
- Maximum Benefit or Johnston Group
- NexgenRx
- People Corporation
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- Standard Life
- Sun Life Financial
- Telus AdjudiCare
- the co-operators
- Union Benefits
- UV Insurance
- Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC)
*Please note that there are some exceptions where we cannot bill these companies directly*
Updated January 1, 2025